
공지 사항

[ 2018-12-31 ] 우든피쉬앙상블 2019년 정기공연

러시아 작곡가 우스트볼스카야 및 한국 작곡가 나효신의 음악 & 동양 민요

The Wooden Fish Ensemble plays Galina Ustvolskaya, Hyo-shin Na, and Asian folk songs

- 우든피쉬앙상블 단원 -

Shoko Hikage, 고토; Terri Baune, 바이올린; Thomas Schultz, 피아노; Yuki Endo, 시노부에; Kevin Sun, 피아노

- 프로그램 -

* 나효신의 작품 - Cloud Study III for violin and piano, Melody of Wave II for shinobue and koto and Melody of Wave III for shinobue, violin, bass koto, & Dirge; Koto, Violin; Cloud Study II; Variations; Small Noise
* 갈리나 우스트볼스카야(Galina Ustvolskaya)의 작품 - Piano Sonata No. 6 - 우스트볼스카야 탄생 100주년을 기념하며
* 한국과 일본의 민요

The Wooden Fish Ensemble is known for its innovative juxtapositions of Eastern and Western musics, old and new, and traditional and avant-garde/experimental sounds. For this concert, they present a stimulating program of folk songs from Japan and Korea, music by Galina Ustvolskaya in honor of her centenary, and eight pieces by San Francisco’s own Hyo-shin Na–including three world premieres! Na’s music frequently combines western and Asian instruments and ways of playing, and is unusual in its refusal to compromise the integrity of differing sounds and ideas. Na prefers to let them interact, coexist and conflict in the music. Her music for traditional Korean instruments is recognized by both composers and performers in Korea, particularly by the younger generation, as being uniquely innovative.

2회 공연 합니다

[공연 1]
1. 날짜 - 2019년 2월 9일 토요일 오후 2시 30분
2. 공연장 이름 - 스탠포드대학교 음악대학 건물 내 캠블 리사이틀 홀
Campbell Recital Hall @ Stanford University

3. 공연장 주소 - 541 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

4. 입장료 - 전석 무료

[공연 2]

1. 날짜 - 2019년 2월 10일 일요일 오후 4시

2. 공연장 이름 - 오울드 퍼스트 교회

Old First Concerts

3. 공연장 주소 - 1751 Sacramento Street in San Francisco

4. 입장료 - 5불 - 25불(공연 당일 공연장에서 구입 가능)

일반 - 25불, 시니어 - 20불, 학생(풀타임 학생증 지참) - 5불, 12세 미만 - 무료

온라인예매 - 2불 디스카운트


Shoko Hikage, koto & bass koto; Terri Baune, violin; Thomas Schultz, piano
with special guests Yuki Endo, shinobue & Kevin Sun, piano

Hyo-shin Na world premieres of Cloud Study III for violin and piano, Melody of Wave II for shinobue and koto and Melody of Wave III for shinobue, violin, bass koto, and piano; also Dirge; Koto, Violin; Cloud Study II; Variations; and Small Noise
Galina Ustvolskaya Piano Sonata No. 6
and folk songs from Korea and Japan

The Wooden Fish Ensemble is known for its innovative juxtapositions of Eastern and Western musics, old and new, and traditional and avant-garde/experimental sounds. For this concert, they present a stimulating program of folk songs from Japan and Korea, music by Galina Ustvolskaya in honor of her centenary, and eight pieces by San Francisco’s own Hyo-shin Na–including three world premieres! Na’s music frequently combines western and Asian instruments and ways of playing, and is unusual in its refusal to compromise the integrity of differing sounds and ideas. Na prefers to let them interact, coexist and conflict in the music. Her music for traditional Korean instruments is recognized by both composers and performers in Korea, particularly by the younger generation, as being uniquely innovative.

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SF Journal 보기
SF Journal 광고 문의: 이메일 kim@sfkorean.com
김진형 (408) 205-6340, 박성보 (510) 926-0606, 박효림 (408) 529-2191