로컬 뉴스
샌프란시스코 한인 커뮤니티 재단 (KACF-SF)에서 주관하는 카렌 하 장학금 수여자인 쥴리 손양의 인터뷰입니다. 카렌 하 장학금은 KACF-SF 의 창립 멤버이자 공동 이사장으로서 기반을 다진 카렌 하 씨의 업적을 기리기 위해 설립된 이 장학금은 한인 학생들의 대학교육을 위해 설립된 소득기준 장학금 프로그램으로써 경제적인 지원뿐만 아니라 차세대 한인 리더 양상을 위한 멘토링을 지원하는데 목표를 두고 있습니다.
2기 장학생은 금년도 대학 신입생이나 편입생 중에서 2명을 선발할 계획이며 선발된 장학생은 최대 연속 4 년간 연간 2천 5백 불의 장학금을 지원받을 수 있다. 지원자격은 아래와 같습니다.
• 학업성적이 우수하며 대학교육을 받을 준비가 된 학생 • 대학교 입학을 앞두거나 재학 중이며 재정적 지원이 필요한 학생 • 누적 성적 (GPA) 3.0 이상 • KACF-SF 가 지향하는 가치와 일치하는 도덕 및 윤리 기준을 가진 학생
장학금 신청 마감일은 2020 년 3 월 20 일이며 자세한 안내 및 신청서는 https://kacfsf.org/karen-ha-scholarship 에서 확인할 수 있다. 인터뷰는 2020 년 4 월 중순에 진행될 예정이며 4 월 30 일에 최종 선발자가 개별 발표된다. 선발된 장학생은 2020 년 년 5 월 16 일 에 열리는 KACF-SF 갈라 행사에서 정식으로 발표된다. 카렌 하 장학금에 대한 문의는 scholarship@kacfsf.org.
쥴리 손양의 인터뷰
Q. 간단한 본인소개 부탁 합니다
Hello all! My name is Julie Son. At face, I am just a college student going to UC Irvine, but in reality I am a dreamer who is too in love with this world for her own good, and believes in the power of storytelling. Which is why I'm happy to share about my life here!
Q. 오늘날의 나를 있게 한것은? 앞으로의 꿈이 있다면 무엇인지?
Like I was saying before, at my utmost core I am a dreamer. My main influence for who I am is Disneyland. I know, crazy. How can a theme park be the reason for the way that you are? If you’ve ever been, you’d know the park tries to recreate magical realities in everything from their seventy seven foot castle to their swashbuckling pirate ride. As a child, if you truly believe that elephants can fly, or that you may have just met the actual Princess Ariel, your Imagination runs wild and your creativity becomes endless, and that does not escape you as you grow older if you hold onto it. Keeping my childlike mentality, becoming president of my school was easy. Having one of my short-films played in a small theater was easy. Working with the mayor of San Jose was easy. When you already believe in the impossible, your goals become attainable. That’s why I set my dream as working for Disneyland. Someday I want to be a creative director, or a screenwriter, but for now I will settle for an internship.
Q. 인생에서 가장 힘들었던 시기 또는 챌린지가 있었는지? 이걸 어떻게 극복 했으며 무엇을 배웠는지?
The most challenging thing I have faced is trying to reconcile unsurmountable cultural and generational barriers with my dad. Koreans, and all other cultures, have a different way of expressing love, that sometimes can’t be translated. Just because I could not understand his love, did not mean It didn’t exist. Once you internalize that, harsh criticism becomes wisdom, strict rules become protection, and unrealistic expectations become encouragement.
Q. 카렌 하 장학 프로그램이 어떤 도움을 줬는지?
Karen Ha provided my family with incredible financial relief, allowing us room to take a vacation for the first time in eight years (to none other than Disney!). The program also introduced me to a handful of mentors that I can regular message for help with interviews and career advice. One of them helped me land a student government role at UCI! But most of all, the scholarship validated my story. They listened to me and celebrated my narrative and made me feel heard. While most would scoff and pass me off as another Disney fan, their team of dedicated individuals took time to understand and empower me as the hard worker I have fought to become. If you are wondering whether or not you or someone you know should apply, DO IT! No matter what the outcome is, the experience is bound to be rewarding and provide some sort of self discovery.
Q. 대학 신입생들에게 조언을 해준다면?
My advice for fellow ambitious incoming college students is that it is it can be easy to lose yourself in the scale of college. I used to know everyone and was involved with everything I could in high school due to growing up with that community. But college is a whole different playing field. That does not mean you can’t make an impact. It takes more time and effort but overall you’re going to have to have passion that is more deep than wide. Also use a carabiner clip to not lose your water bottle. That’s all I have to say! Thank you for listening to me, I truly appreciate it.
2기 장학생은 금년도 대학 신입생이나 편입생 중에서 2명을 선발할 계획이며 선발된 장학생은 최대 연속 4 년간 연간 2천 5백 불의 장학금을 지원받을 수 있다. 지원자격은 아래와 같습니다.
• 학업성적이 우수하며 대학교육을 받을 준비가 된 학생 • 대학교 입학을 앞두거나 재학 중이며 재정적 지원이 필요한 학생 • 누적 성적 (GPA) 3.0 이상 • KACF-SF 가 지향하는 가치와 일치하는 도덕 및 윤리 기준을 가진 학생
장학금 신청 마감일은 2020 년 3 월 20 일이며 자세한 안내 및 신청서는 https://kacfsf.org/karen-ha-scholarship 에서 확인할 수 있다. 인터뷰는 2020 년 4 월 중순에 진행될 예정이며 4 월 30 일에 최종 선발자가 개별 발표된다. 선발된 장학생은 2020 년 년 5 월 16 일 에 열리는 KACF-SF 갈라 행사에서 정식으로 발표된다. 카렌 하 장학금에 대한 문의는 scholarship@kacfsf.org.
쥴리 손양의 인터뷰
Q. 간단한 본인소개 부탁 합니다
Hello all! My name is Julie Son. At face, I am just a college student going to UC Irvine, but in reality I am a dreamer who is too in love with this world for her own good, and believes in the power of storytelling. Which is why I'm happy to share about my life here!
Q. 오늘날의 나를 있게 한것은? 앞으로의 꿈이 있다면 무엇인지?
Like I was saying before, at my utmost core I am a dreamer. My main influence for who I am is Disneyland. I know, crazy. How can a theme park be the reason for the way that you are? If you’ve ever been, you’d know the park tries to recreate magical realities in everything from their seventy seven foot castle to their swashbuckling pirate ride. As a child, if you truly believe that elephants can fly, or that you may have just met the actual Princess Ariel, your Imagination runs wild and your creativity becomes endless, and that does not escape you as you grow older if you hold onto it. Keeping my childlike mentality, becoming president of my school was easy. Having one of my short-films played in a small theater was easy. Working with the mayor of San Jose was easy. When you already believe in the impossible, your goals become attainable. That’s why I set my dream as working for Disneyland. Someday I want to be a creative director, or a screenwriter, but for now I will settle for an internship.
Q. 인생에서 가장 힘들었던 시기 또는 챌린지가 있었는지? 이걸 어떻게 극복 했으며 무엇을 배웠는지?
The most challenging thing I have faced is trying to reconcile unsurmountable cultural and generational barriers with my dad. Koreans, and all other cultures, have a different way of expressing love, that sometimes can’t be translated. Just because I could not understand his love, did not mean It didn’t exist. Once you internalize that, harsh criticism becomes wisdom, strict rules become protection, and unrealistic expectations become encouragement.
Q. 카렌 하 장학 프로그램이 어떤 도움을 줬는지?
Karen Ha provided my family with incredible financial relief, allowing us room to take a vacation for the first time in eight years (to none other than Disney!). The program also introduced me to a handful of mentors that I can regular message for help with interviews and career advice. One of them helped me land a student government role at UCI! But most of all, the scholarship validated my story. They listened to me and celebrated my narrative and made me feel heard. While most would scoff and pass me off as another Disney fan, their team of dedicated individuals took time to understand and empower me as the hard worker I have fought to become. If you are wondering whether or not you or someone you know should apply, DO IT! No matter what the outcome is, the experience is bound to be rewarding and provide some sort of self discovery.
Q. 대학 신입생들에게 조언을 해준다면?
My advice for fellow ambitious incoming college students is that it is it can be easy to lose yourself in the scale of college. I used to know everyone and was involved with everything I could in high school due to growing up with that community. But college is a whole different playing field. That does not mean you can’t make an impact. It takes more time and effort but overall you’re going to have to have passion that is more deep than wide. Also use a carabiner clip to not lose your water bottle. That’s all I have to say! Thank you for listening to me, I truly appreciate it.