로컬 뉴스
지난 8일, 방학 시작과 동시에 청소년 봉사단체인 KAYLP (Korean American Youth Leadership Program, 총괄디렉터 조진숙) 회원들은 매월 정기적으로 방문하는 이스트베이 노인봉사회에 아침 일찍 모였다. 오클랜드 한인타운 재건을 위한 KONO 행사 후의 거리를 청소하기 위해서다. 학생들은 청소 후의 상쾌한 공기와 깨끗한 거리를 보며 최고의 보람을 느꼈다고 말했다.
학생들은 청소를 마치고 노인봉사회에서 치매 예방 프로그램으로 퀴즈 맞추기, 체조, 미술수업 등을 진행하였다. 이번 6월달은 현충일과 6.25 전쟁일이 있는 호국 보훈의 달이니 만큼 어르신들이 태극기와 무궁화를 주제로 종이접기와 색칠하기를 이용하여 작품을 완성하실 수 있게 도와 드렸다.
KAYLP 학생들은 수업할 때 좋아하시는 어르신들과 함께하는 이 뜻깊은 시간들이 나날이 성장해 가는 자신들의 원동력이 되고 있다고 전했다.
- KAYLP 9학년 Emily Yun
On Saturday, June 8, 2019, the Korean American Youth Leadership Program (KAYLP) led an event for the elderly at the East Bay Korean American Senior Service Center in Oakland.
This event was led by seven students who volunteered to spend their Saturday assisting the elderly and cleaning up the streets of Oakland. First, the students arrived at the center early to help pick up trash and sweep the streets. Then, the students went inside to greet the elderly as they entered the building.
Afterwards, the students led an exercise to help the elderly stretch and relax their muscles. A student then held a fun quiz for the elderly, and participants won candy prizes. Another student then demonstrated how to create an origami flower and flag of South Korea. The craft was the highlight of the day, and the students found great joy in helping the elderly create their own origami flags and flowers.
Overall, the students and the seniors had a great day working on beautiful origami projects, participating in the quiz, and cleaning up the streets of Oakland. While it was tiring work, seeing the clean streets brought a sense of satisfaction and pride to us. We look forward to our bi-monthly meetings with the elderly at KAYLP because we always have a great time giving back to our community.
- Dana Choi
Santa Clara High School, Grade 9
학생들은 청소를 마치고 노인봉사회에서 치매 예방 프로그램으로 퀴즈 맞추기, 체조, 미술수업 등을 진행하였다. 이번 6월달은 현충일과 6.25 전쟁일이 있는 호국 보훈의 달이니 만큼 어르신들이 태극기와 무궁화를 주제로 종이접기와 색칠하기를 이용하여 작품을 완성하실 수 있게 도와 드렸다.
KAYLP 학생들은 수업할 때 좋아하시는 어르신들과 함께하는 이 뜻깊은 시간들이 나날이 성장해 가는 자신들의 원동력이 되고 있다고 전했다.
- KAYLP 9학년 Emily Yun
On Saturday, June 8, 2019, the Korean American Youth Leadership Program (KAYLP) led an event for the elderly at the East Bay Korean American Senior Service Center in Oakland.
This event was led by seven students who volunteered to spend their Saturday assisting the elderly and cleaning up the streets of Oakland. First, the students arrived at the center early to help pick up trash and sweep the streets. Then, the students went inside to greet the elderly as they entered the building.
Afterwards, the students led an exercise to help the elderly stretch and relax their muscles. A student then held a fun quiz for the elderly, and participants won candy prizes. Another student then demonstrated how to create an origami flower and flag of South Korea. The craft was the highlight of the day, and the students found great joy in helping the elderly create their own origami flags and flowers.
Overall, the students and the seniors had a great day working on beautiful origami projects, participating in the quiz, and cleaning up the streets of Oakland. While it was tiring work, seeing the clean streets brought a sense of satisfaction and pride to us. We look forward to our bi-monthly meetings with the elderly at KAYLP because we always have a great time giving back to our community.
- Dana Choi
Santa Clara High School, Grade 9