로컬 뉴스
지난 11일 청소년 리더십 프로그램 (KAYLP 총괄디렉터 조 진숙)은 이스트베이 노인봉사회에서 어버이의 날 행사를 주최하였다.
이 날 KAYLP CEO 유니스 이는 " 오늘 하루 행복한 하루가 되시고 학생들을 매달 반겨주셔서 감사드리다며 학생들에게 효도들 가르칠 수 있는 하루가 되어 감사하다며 건강하게 오래오래 뵙게되기를 바란다" 고 말했다.
김옥련회장님은 "학생들이 이렇게 매달 방문하여 주어서 감사하며 학부모님들의 정성가득 음식과 선물등 감사하다"고 전했다
한편 최진영영사님도 "새로 부임한지 2달여밖에 안되서 늦은 인사를 드린다며 자주 찾아뵙겠다"고 말했다
학생들과 학부모님들이 할아버지, 할머니께 카네이션을 달아드리고 어머니의 마음 합창으로 그간의 감사를 드렸다.
오클랜드 서울곰탕에서는 해마다 어버이의 날에는 노인들께 점심식사로 설렁탕을 준비하여 주셨고 KAYLP 회원들은 불고기와 나물, 전, 떡등을 준비하여 풍성한 식사와 준비한 선물로 훈훈한 어버이의 날 행사를 가졌다.
As a token of appreciation for the elderly moms, the Korean American Youth Leadership Program (KAYLP), hosted a heartwarming party, on May 11, 2019, for Mother’s Day that was packed with appetizing foods and entertaining games.
Amidst the preparations to get all of the traditional Korean foods out to the seniors, three KAYLP volunteers led a series of exercises that got the elderly’s energized. After the elderly got a heartwarming massage from the volunteers, they engaged in nonsense and math quizzes. When they got questions right, they were awarded a bag of candy as a prize.
As the warmups were coming to a close, KAYLP founder Eunice Lee, the president/executive director of the East Bay Korean American Senior Service Center Joanna Kim-Selby, and the newly appointed representative of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea Joon-yong Park, delivered a motivating speech to the elderly and to the volunteers who took time out of their day to help the elderly. Coincidentally, it was the 12th graders last day as volunteers, so the KAYLP members gave them gift cards as a sign of their appreciation.
To end this event, the students attached a carnation in the form of a brooch onto the hem of the elderly’s clothes as an appreciation for the elderly.
(Student Reporter Shawn Choi, a 10th grader from Cupertino High School)
이 날 KAYLP CEO 유니스 이는 " 오늘 하루 행복한 하루가 되시고 학생들을 매달 반겨주셔서 감사드리다며 학생들에게 효도들 가르칠 수 있는 하루가 되어 감사하다며 건강하게 오래오래 뵙게되기를 바란다" 고 말했다.
김옥련회장님은 "학생들이 이렇게 매달 방문하여 주어서 감사하며 학부모님들의 정성가득 음식과 선물등 감사하다"고 전했다
한편 최진영영사님도 "새로 부임한지 2달여밖에 안되서 늦은 인사를 드린다며 자주 찾아뵙겠다"고 말했다
학생들과 학부모님들이 할아버지, 할머니께 카네이션을 달아드리고 어머니의 마음 합창으로 그간의 감사를 드렸다.
오클랜드 서울곰탕에서는 해마다 어버이의 날에는 노인들께 점심식사로 설렁탕을 준비하여 주셨고 KAYLP 회원들은 불고기와 나물, 전, 떡등을 준비하여 풍성한 식사와 준비한 선물로 훈훈한 어버이의 날 행사를 가졌다.
As a token of appreciation for the elderly moms, the Korean American Youth Leadership Program (KAYLP), hosted a heartwarming party, on May 11, 2019, for Mother’s Day that was packed with appetizing foods and entertaining games.
Amidst the preparations to get all of the traditional Korean foods out to the seniors, three KAYLP volunteers led a series of exercises that got the elderly’s energized. After the elderly got a heartwarming massage from the volunteers, they engaged in nonsense and math quizzes. When they got questions right, they were awarded a bag of candy as a prize.
As the warmups were coming to a close, KAYLP founder Eunice Lee, the president/executive director of the East Bay Korean American Senior Service Center Joanna Kim-Selby, and the newly appointed representative of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea Joon-yong Park, delivered a motivating speech to the elderly and to the volunteers who took time out of their day to help the elderly. Coincidentally, it was the 12th graders last day as volunteers, so the KAYLP members gave them gift cards as a sign of their appreciation.
To end this event, the students attached a carnation in the form of a brooch onto the hem of the elderly’s clothes as an appreciation for the elderly.
(Student Reporter Shawn Choi, a 10th grader from Cupertino High School)