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제 생명보험 약관에 이렇게 적혀있거든요...
"if the insured, while sane or insane, dies by suicide within two years after the date of issue shown in the schedule, the death proceeds under this policy will be an amount equal to the premiums paid less the loan balance as of the date of death."
가입 2년후 자살에 대해 보상한다는 걸로 적혀있는데..
상식적으로 자살은 어떤 경우에든 보상받지 못한다고 알고있거든요.
"if the insured, while sane or insane, dies by suicide within two years after the date of issue shown in the schedule, the death proceeds under this policy will be an amount equal to the premiums paid less the loan balance as of the date of death."
가입 2년후 자살에 대해 보상한다는 걸로 적혀있는데..
상식적으로 자살은 어떤 경우에든 보상받지 못한다고 알고있거든요.
작성일2009-04-23 13:45