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"Bad Check Restitution Program" 은 Merchant & DA Office 에서
관장하는 프로그램으로 님께는 해당이 안되겠습니다.
님은 아직 " Bad Checks" 를 증명하지 못했습니다.
1. 해당 사장에게 전화로 입금한다고 통보 하십시요
4/27/09 - $2,000 & 5/27/09 - $1,500
2. 입금 후 Clear 되면 문제가 없지만 아님 Demand Letter를 쓴다음
"Certified Mail" 을 보내야 합니다.
3. 메일은 보낸후 30 일이 경과되면 원금은 물론 "Statutory Penalty" 까지
청구할수 있습니다.
** Statutory Penalty - 3 times the Check Amount up to $1,500 /per check
님 경우엔 $3,500 & $3,000 을 요구할수 있껬습니다.
4. 만약 그후에도 지급을 안한다면 "Small Claim"을 신청하고
Demand Letter sent by "Certified Mail" 의 Copy 를 판사에게 보여주면
즉석에서 "Award Judgement" 를 공문으로 받습니다.
5. 그래도 미적 거리면 가까운 DA Office 나 Police Station 에 요청하면
"Criminal Penalty" 로 간주해 형법으로 다스립니다.
#2 와 병행 할수있는 또하나의 방법은..
** www.dir.ca.gov -> Labor Law -> Wages -> Wage Claim (영 / 한) 으로
File 하십시요.
California 주 정부 싸이트이고 신속하게 답 해줍니다.
*** Demand Letter 에 참가할 항목들
The text, context and purposes of the Bad Check Law suggest that the written demand should include a clear statement of all of the following:
(1) the name of the drawer (the person who wrote the check and to whom the demand is addressed);
(2) the name of the payee (the person or business to whom the check was made payable);
(3) the amount of the check (its face amount);
(4) the drawer's potential liability (the fact that the drawer may be liable to the payee for (a) the amount of the check, minus any partial payments made within 30 days after the payee mailed the demand for payment, plus (b) a statutory penalty equal to treble that amount, but not less than $100 nor more than $1,500);
(5) what the drawer must do to avoid liability (the fact that the drawer will be liable for the total in (4) unless the drawer pays to the payee, at the address given in the demand for payment, within 30 days after the payee mailed the demand, the total of (a) the amount of the check, (b) the amount of the service charge payable to the payee, and (c) the costs to mail the written demand); and,
(6) the address of the payee (where payment can be either mailed or delivered). The demand should itemize the elements and state their total.
Good Luck !!
작성일2009-06-01 23:18