민사 | 저소득층 법원 소송비 일체 면제 CA
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저소득층 법원 소송비 일체 면제 CA
to waive court Fee 양식과 자격조건, CA 경우
타 주 도 찾으면 나올겁니다.
가난한 사람은 소송에서 져도 줄게 없어요 ㅋ ㅋ
수입은 없으나 재산이 있으면 lien 을 걸수 있지요.
Request to Waive Court Fees FW-001,
If more than 6 people at home, add $389.59 for each extra person.
가족수, 수입제한
1 사람. $1,128.13
2 사람. $1,517.71
3 사람. $1,907.30
4 사람. $2,296.88
5 사람. $2,686.46
6 사람. $3,076.05
I do not have enough income to pay for my household’s basic needs
and the court fees. I ask the court to
(check one): waive all court fees waive some of the court fees
let me make payments over time
(Explain): (If you check 5c, you must fill out page 2.)
아래 주소 열고 by number 에서
FW-001 부터 FW-005 까지 찾으세요.
-> http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/forms/allforms.htm
다운받기 써서 보내기 수정된 날자
FW-001* FW-001* 7/2/2009 Request to Waive Court Fees
FW-001-INFO* 7/1/2009 Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs
FW-002 FW-002 7/1/2009 Request to Waive Additional Court Fees (Superior Court)
FW-003* FW-003* 7/1/2009 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court)
FW-005* FW-005* 7/1/2009 Notice: Waiver of Court Fees (Superior Court)
to waive court Fee 양식과 자격조건, CA 경우
타 주 도 찾으면 나올겁니다.
가난한 사람은 소송에서 져도 줄게 없어요 ㅋ ㅋ
수입은 없으나 재산이 있으면 lien 을 걸수 있지요.
Request to Waive Court Fees FW-001,
If more than 6 people at home, add $389.59 for each extra person.
가족수, 수입제한
1 사람. $1,128.13
2 사람. $1,517.71
3 사람. $1,907.30
4 사람. $2,296.88
5 사람. $2,686.46
6 사람. $3,076.05
I do not have enough income to pay for my household’s basic needs
and the court fees. I ask the court to
(check one): waive all court fees waive some of the court fees
let me make payments over time
(Explain): (If you check 5c, you must fill out page 2.)
아래 주소 열고 by number 에서
FW-001 부터 FW-005 까지 찾으세요.
-> http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/forms/allforms.htm
다운받기 써서 보내기 수정된 날자
FW-001* FW-001* 7/2/2009 Request to Waive Court Fees
FW-001-INFO* 7/1/2009 Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs
FW-002 FW-002 7/1/2009 Request to Waive Additional Court Fees (Superior Court)
FW-003* FW-003* 7/1/2009 Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court)
FW-005* FW-005* 7/1/2009 Notice: Waiver of Court Fees (Superior Court)
작성일2009-09-03 10:44
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