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And now we are seeing their plan come to fruition. Based on current, uncertified vote totals, every major news organization is projecting that Biden will be the president of the United States in January.

However, the media don’t decide elections. Votes are still being counted. According to The Associated Press, four states (Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) are within 1 percent. No recounts have started, and challenges (which will ultimately play out) are being ignored.

This has been astounding to watch.

Callista and I were at the White House on election night and into early Wednesday morning, and the president was ahead in most of the key battleground states. But then suddenly vote-counting stopped. We couldn’t figure out what was happening.

And when we got up in the morning, we saw that hundreds of thousands of ballots suddenly appeared, almost all of them for Biden. Now, you can rationalize that development however you want, but at the least it’s suspicious and worthy of further investigation.

On this week’s episode of my podcast, “Newt’s World,” I discuss why we need to be pushing for further investigation and not give up simply because the elites tell us to be quiet.

The Democrats and the media are going to say that, even though all the votes haven’t been counted, President Trump owes it to the country to cave, accept defeat, and walk off. Some will also say that we don’t need to do any recounts.

There are a large number of what I call accommodationist Republicans who always believe it’s their job to side with the Democrats and the news media when things get too tough and when the elites really put the pressure on them. Because after all, their main goal is to be liked and go to nice cocktail parties, not to do right by the country.

These accommodationist Republicans will say they don’t like the president talking about fraud, vote theft, or corruption. They don’t want to look at the data and the growing evidence that something is clearly amiss in places like Detroit, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

And then there are the people around Trump who understand that his presidential run in 2016 was a direct assault on a national establishment, which had betrayed the American people and no longer represents them. This elitist group only represents its own interests and sometimes the interests of foreign countries.

I suspect that President Trump is going to keep fighting, as he should. We owe it to the American people to have an honest, straightforward election. Every legal vote should be counted. That’s a tall order, but it’s necessary for the sake of our republic — not to benefit President Trump or anyone else, but to ensure the legitimacy of our sacred democratic process.
We at Gingrich 360 have been getting an amazing number of emails from different people telling us about specific instances of people who were intimidated, people who were told they couldn’t be poll watchers, and people who saw fraud. That is why I am urging all of you, the American people, to report instances of voter fraud to the website https://www.gingrich360.com/honestelections/.

I hope you will listen to this week’s episode, in which I put into context what we’re witnessing after the election and discuss how to proceed from here. The integrity of our elections is in jeopardy, and we need to ensure that our electoral process does not become delegitimized beyond repair.

Also, brace yourself as the entire national establishment rushes to embrace Biden as president-elect. Some will do so because they want it to be true. Others simply don’t want to pick a fight with a new potential president.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters will be lectured to forget five years of vicious attacks by Democrats and the liberal media. We will be told to be nice and work together — while the likes of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and others publicly say they want to purge Trump supporters.

Don’t be fooled: This is not over.
추천 0

작성일2020-11-08 04:23

sansu님의 댓글

이런 추태를 계속 이어 나가면 갈수록 트럼프 자신에게 이득 될것 없고 미국 헌정 사상에 아주 큰 오점을 남기고 쫏겨나가게 될것입니다. Glad Trump kingship/dictatorship is over.
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