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뉴섬 주지사: 학교는 7월 오픈 고려 및 재오픈 계획

페이지 정보




CA has made progress bending the curve but the risk of #COVID19 is still very real.

Today, Governor @GavinNewsom announced details on how CA plans to modify the Stay-At-Home order in the future.

These modifications are based on science, health & data & will happen in 4 stages:

Blue graphic that reads “Stage 1: Safety and preparedness. This is where we are now. Continue to build out testing, contact tracing, PPE, and hospital surge capacity. Making essential workforce environments as safe as possible. Prepare sector-by-sector safety guidelines for expanded workforce.”Blue graphic that reads “Stage 2: Lower Risk Workplaces. Gradually opening some lower risk workplaces with adaptations. Retail (e.g. curbside pickup), manufacturing, offices (when telework is not possible), more public spaces”Blue graphic that reads “Stage 3: Higher Risk Workplaces. Open higher risk environments with adaptations and limits on size of gatherings. Personal care (hair and nail salons, gyms), entertainment venues (movie theaters, sports without live audiences), in-person religious services (churches, weddings)Blue graphic that reads “Stage 4: End of Stay-At-Home Order. Re-open highest risk environments and venues once therapeutics have been developed. Concerts, convention centers, live audience sports.”
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작성일2020-04-29 01:27

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