세금 | earned income credit 관련 질문입니다
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coffee님이 2011-01-21 09:55:05.0에 쓰신글
>2010년에 직원으로써의 소득이 아닌 컨설팅을 제공하여(w-9 제출함)
>회사로부터 1099-MISC를 받았으면 이것도 Earned Income에 포함할
>수 있는지요?
"컨설팅을 제공하여(w-9 제출함)>회사로부터 1099-MISC를 받았으면 이것도 Earned Income에 포함할 수 있는지요?"---->Earned income is an Internal Revenue Service designation. It classifies a taxpayer's income according to its source.The most common source of earned income is wages, salaries, commissions and tips made through work. Net earnings from self-employment on ur Sch C 31 is also earned income.
Please visit the IRS website for further info. on Earned income; http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=176508,00.html
>2010년에 직원으로써의 소득이 아닌 컨설팅을 제공하여(w-9 제출함)
>회사로부터 1099-MISC를 받았으면 이것도 Earned Income에 포함할
>수 있는지요?
"컨설팅을 제공하여(w-9 제출함)>회사로부터 1099-MISC를 받았으면 이것도 Earned Income에 포함할 수 있는지요?"---->Earned income is an Internal Revenue Service designation. It classifies a taxpayer's income according to its source.The most common source of earned income is wages, salaries, commissions and tips made through work. Net earnings from self-employment on ur Sch C 31 is also earned income.
Please visit the IRS website for further info. on Earned income; http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=176508,00.html
작성일2011-01-26 15:07
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