세금 | property tax deduction
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ㅊㅊㅊ님이 2011-02-04 13:59:39.0에 쓰신글
>property tax(재산세)는 tax deductable 대상인걸로 알고있습니다.
>그런데 tax bill을 자세히 보면 tax와 special assessment로 나누어져있습니다.
>돈 낼때는 이 두가지를 더한다음 2로 나눈 금액을 두번에 걸쳐 내게되지요.
>여기서 special assessment도 tax deductable입니까? 아니면 tax부분만 deductable입니까?
QUOTE," 여기서 special assessment도 tax deductable입니까? 아니면 tax부분만 deductable입니까?"-----> It depends. For income tax purposes, real estate taxes are currently deductible;u can only dedcut ur r/e taxes on 1040 SCH A line 6. Special assessments, however, are not directly deductible because they increase the value of your property and thus, like any other capital expenditure, add to the cost or basis of the property. The assessment is generally not eligible for depreciation, however. In some cases a special assessment is deductible if the investor/taxpayer can prove that all or part of the assessment is made for maintenance, repairs, or interest charges.
>property tax(재산세)는 tax deductable 대상인걸로 알고있습니다.
>그런데 tax bill을 자세히 보면 tax와 special assessment로 나누어져있습니다.
>돈 낼때는 이 두가지를 더한다음 2로 나눈 금액을 두번에 걸쳐 내게되지요.
>여기서 special assessment도 tax deductable입니까? 아니면 tax부분만 deductable입니까?
QUOTE," 여기서 special assessment도 tax deductable입니까? 아니면 tax부분만 deductable입니까?"-----> It depends. For income tax purposes, real estate taxes are currently deductible;u can only dedcut ur r/e taxes on 1040 SCH A line 6. Special assessments, however, are not directly deductible because they increase the value of your property and thus, like any other capital expenditure, add to the cost or basis of the property. The assessment is generally not eligible for depreciation, however. In some cases a special assessment is deductible if the investor/taxpayer can prove that all or part of the assessment is made for maintenance, repairs, or interest charges.
작성일2011-02-09 16:55
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