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질문자님이 2011-02-08 14:12:23.0에 쓰신글
>저는 미국시만자로 5년정도 자영업하고 세금내다가
>발목에 심한 부상으로 회복이 않되서 일을 못하고
>그후 발목은 지금은 거의 회복됬지만
>계속 여러가지 질병으로 감당이 읺되서
>한국에 와서 부모님집에 살고 있는데요.
>10년째 일을 못하고 소득이 없으니까 세금보고를 전혀 않했는데 괜찮을 까요?
>신고하려면 어떻게 하면 되나요? 불이익이나 벌금이 있나요?
>부상당했을 때는 혜택받을 자격이 되는지 잘 몰라서 사회보장신청할 줄도 몰랐는데,
>지금이라도 세금보고를 해서 혜택을 받을 수 있을 까요?
QUOTE," 10년째 일을 못하고 소득이 없으니까 세금보고를 전혀 않했는데 괜찮을 까요?
>?"---> I guess no problem; deciding whether to file a federal income tax return requires careful analysis of your personal financial situation. As you said, if you did not have any income for the tax year, you probably do not have to file your taxes. However, you can file your taxes if you had no income, for instance,Tte IRS requires that your tax return must include "all income you receive in the form of money, property, and services unless the tax law states that you do not include them." Thus, you may be receiving income even though you are not working for an employer and receiving a paycheck. For example, if a debt you have incurred is canceled, the amount of canceled debt is considered income for the tax year in which it was canceled. The canceled debt is not income if it was canceled as a gift or bequest. Therefore, it is crucial to determine what is considered income under IRS guidelines.individuals who are self-employed and have had net earning of at least $400 must file a tax return.And the amount on Form SE line 4 is $400 or exceeds $400, then you must pay selfemployment taxes and posscibly need to pay estiamted taxes( if have sufficient income to file return)
" 신고하려면 어떻게 하면 되나요? 불이익이나 벌금이 있나요?"--->As said above, No, I don't think so.If you want to file your return,mthe cheapest eay is to file your return online for free. Please visit the IRS website for free filing here; http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=118986,00.html
I also guess you can visit the website of your state department of revene for free online state income tax return filing.
>저는 미국시만자로 5년정도 자영업하고 세금내다가
>발목에 심한 부상으로 회복이 않되서 일을 못하고
>그후 발목은 지금은 거의 회복됬지만
>계속 여러가지 질병으로 감당이 읺되서
>한국에 와서 부모님집에 살고 있는데요.
>10년째 일을 못하고 소득이 없으니까 세금보고를 전혀 않했는데 괜찮을 까요?
>신고하려면 어떻게 하면 되나요? 불이익이나 벌금이 있나요?
>부상당했을 때는 혜택받을 자격이 되는지 잘 몰라서 사회보장신청할 줄도 몰랐는데,
>지금이라도 세금보고를 해서 혜택을 받을 수 있을 까요?
QUOTE," 10년째 일을 못하고 소득이 없으니까 세금보고를 전혀 않했는데 괜찮을 까요?
>?"---> I guess no problem; deciding whether to file a federal income tax return requires careful analysis of your personal financial situation. As you said, if you did not have any income for the tax year, you probably do not have to file your taxes. However, you can file your taxes if you had no income, for instance,Tte IRS requires that your tax return must include "all income you receive in the form of money, property, and services unless the tax law states that you do not include them." Thus, you may be receiving income even though you are not working for an employer and receiving a paycheck. For example, if a debt you have incurred is canceled, the amount of canceled debt is considered income for the tax year in which it was canceled. The canceled debt is not income if it was canceled as a gift or bequest. Therefore, it is crucial to determine what is considered income under IRS guidelines.individuals who are self-employed and have had net earning of at least $400 must file a tax return.And the amount on Form SE line 4 is $400 or exceeds $400, then you must pay selfemployment taxes and posscibly need to pay estiamted taxes( if have sufficient income to file return)
" 신고하려면 어떻게 하면 되나요? 불이익이나 벌금이 있나요?"--->As said above, No, I don't think so.If you want to file your return,mthe cheapest eay is to file your return online for free. Please visit the IRS website for free filing here; http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=118986,00.html
I also guess you can visit the website of your state department of revene for free online state income tax return filing.
작성일2011-02-09 16:46
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