세금 | 홈 에퀴티 이자금
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에퀴티님이 2011-03-01 15:24:08.0에 쓰신글
>홈 에퀴티 이자금 지불한 금액은 몇년전 꺼까지 보고한 년도 크리딧 받을수 잇나요??(가장 이자지불금 높은해)
"홈 에퀴티 이자금 지불한 금액은 몇년전 꺼까지 보고한 년도 크리딧 받을수 잇나요??(가장 이자지불금 높은해)"--->You CAN prepare ALL PAST YEAR INCOME TAX RETURN that you want (usually the last six years are requested bythe IRS) If you owe tax money to the IRS, you may be responsible for late fees and interest chargesIf you discover a mistake on a tax return that already has been filed, you should file Form 1040X--amended tax return.
If Form 1040X is filed to receive a refund, the statute of limitations is three years after the year the original tax return was filed, or two years after the tax pertaining to the affected return was paid, whichever is later.
However,Tax regulations allow many people to deduct all or part of the interest they pay on these loans, but there are exceptions;as you know, for home equity, you can deduct the interest on a loan up to $100,000 regardless of where you use the money.
Please visit the IRS website here;http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/article/0,,id=98339,00.html
>홈 에퀴티 이자금 지불한 금액은 몇년전 꺼까지 보고한 년도 크리딧 받을수 잇나요??(가장 이자지불금 높은해)
"홈 에퀴티 이자금 지불한 금액은 몇년전 꺼까지 보고한 년도 크리딧 받을수 잇나요??(가장 이자지불금 높은해)"--->You CAN prepare ALL PAST YEAR INCOME TAX RETURN that you want (usually the last six years are requested bythe IRS) If you owe tax money to the IRS, you may be responsible for late fees and interest chargesIf you discover a mistake on a tax return that already has been filed, you should file Form 1040X--amended tax return.
If Form 1040X is filed to receive a refund, the statute of limitations is three years after the year the original tax return was filed, or two years after the tax pertaining to the affected return was paid, whichever is later.
However,Tax regulations allow many people to deduct all or part of the interest they pay on these loans, but there are exceptions;as you know, for home equity, you can deduct the interest on a loan up to $100,000 regardless of where you use the money.
Please visit the IRS website here;http://www.irs.gov/formspubs/article/0,,id=98339,00.html
작성일2011-03-01 17:47