세금 | 학생 세금 보고
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학생님이 2011-03-24 18:24:05.0에 쓰신글
>영주권자로 디안자에 다니고 있는 학생입니다.
>조금 늦은감이 있지만...
>내년 Financial Aid를 위해서 세금보고를 해야할지 말아야 할지 고민중인데요.
>제가 작년에 수입으로 기록되있는것이
>W-2 Wage Form: Pay Check -> $3600 - Taxes $396.96 = $3203.04
>Form 1098-T: Financial Aid -> $5575.00 - Tution & Expenses $69.65 = $5505.35
>Form 1099-Int -> $144.47 interests
>이렇게 세개로해도 net으로 대략 $8852.86정도가 나옵니다.
>그외에 제가 페이책으로 받지 않은 액수도 있습니다.
>작년 9월까지는 부모님과 같이 살아서 dependent로 분류가 됬다가 지금은 혼자서 살고 있습니다.
>Independent 학생일 경우 저액수 정도에 반드시 보고를 해야할까요?
>학교측 웹사이트에서는 인컴이 낮을경우 반드시 보고를 할필요는 없다고 명시가 되있긴한데..
>어느쪽이 Financial Aid Grant를 받기 유리할지 판단이 서질 않습니다.
>제가 부모님 도움없이 자취를 하는상황이라 Financial Aid가 많은 도움이 되거든요.
>만약 보고를 해야한다면 어디서부터 시작을 해야하는지도 궁금합니다.
>세금보고를 직접해보는것은 이번이 처음이라서 막막하네요.
>아시는분들 답변 부탁드립니다.
"Independent 학생일 경우 저액수 정도에 반드시 보고를 해야할까요.학교측 웹사이트에서는 인컴이 낮을경우 반드시 보고를 할필요는 없다고 명시가 되있긴한데..
>어느쪽이 Financial Aid Grant를 받기 유리할지 판단이 서질 않습니다.
?"--> I guess you DON'T have to file your federal return;certain portions of scholarships (college, union or organizational scholarships, fellowships and tuition waivers) and other forms of student grants must be reported as taxable income on your tax return. So, you need to calculate the portion of your financial aid to be included in your taxable income by adding up your total grant aid and subtracting out the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for your courses of instruction.
FO REFERENCE;as a taxpayer filin' your return as single; then for 2010, Aslong as your AGI is $9,350 or exceeds $9,350; $5,700(standard deduction)+$3,650( your personal exmption)=$9,350, then you MUST file your federal and state( if applicable; as far as I know, ( states actually do not impose state incoemn taxes to their residents.)If you are subject toa refund, then you MUSt file return for getting your refund.
Filign your federal return is NOT bad idea for your financial aidbut it is not necessarily required for the aid;your financial aid eligibility will depend upon various factors. These include your family’s income and assets the number of people in your family household, and the number of children in your family household who are attending college. (The definition of “family” here will depend upon whether or not you are still a “dependent” of your parents. See the section on “Independent Student Status.”) Even if you aren’t eligible for grants, there are other kinds of aid available, including loan programs.So, I guess you need to contact your school, OK??
">만약 보고를 해야한다면 어디서부터 시작을 해야하는지도 궁금합니다.
>세금보고를 직접해보는것은 이번이 처음이라서 막막하네요."--->I guess you may fiel the easiet form , 1040EZ;as single taxpayer, as long as you meet the criteria, you MAY 1040 ez; if your filing status must be single or married filing jointly;you must be under age 65 and not blind at the end of the tax year;
you must not claim any dependents (other than themselves).
No adjustments to income can be claimed.;the only credit that can be claimed is the Earned Income Tax Credit ,EITC; also the only income to report for the tax year consisted of wages, salaries, tips, taxable scholarship or fellowship grants, unemployment compensation, or Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, and filer's taxable interest was not over $1,500. But if the filer earned tips, including allocated tips, that are not included in box 5 and box 7 of your Form W-2, filer may not be able to use Form 1040EZ; you also did not receive any advanced EIC payments.
Please visit the IRS webiste for more info here;http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040ez.pdf
>영주권자로 디안자에 다니고 있는 학생입니다.
>조금 늦은감이 있지만...
>내년 Financial Aid를 위해서 세금보고를 해야할지 말아야 할지 고민중인데요.
>제가 작년에 수입으로 기록되있는것이
>W-2 Wage Form: Pay Check -> $3600 - Taxes $396.96 = $3203.04
>Form 1098-T: Financial Aid -> $5575.00 - Tution & Expenses $69.65 = $5505.35
>Form 1099-Int -> $144.47 interests
>이렇게 세개로해도 net으로 대략 $8852.86정도가 나옵니다.
>그외에 제가 페이책으로 받지 않은 액수도 있습니다.
>작년 9월까지는 부모님과 같이 살아서 dependent로 분류가 됬다가 지금은 혼자서 살고 있습니다.
>Independent 학생일 경우 저액수 정도에 반드시 보고를 해야할까요?
>학교측 웹사이트에서는 인컴이 낮을경우 반드시 보고를 할필요는 없다고 명시가 되있긴한데..
>어느쪽이 Financial Aid Grant를 받기 유리할지 판단이 서질 않습니다.
>제가 부모님 도움없이 자취를 하는상황이라 Financial Aid가 많은 도움이 되거든요.
>만약 보고를 해야한다면 어디서부터 시작을 해야하는지도 궁금합니다.
>세금보고를 직접해보는것은 이번이 처음이라서 막막하네요.
>아시는분들 답변 부탁드립니다.
"Independent 학생일 경우 저액수 정도에 반드시 보고를 해야할까요.학교측 웹사이트에서는 인컴이 낮을경우 반드시 보고를 할필요는 없다고 명시가 되있긴한데..
>어느쪽이 Financial Aid Grant를 받기 유리할지 판단이 서질 않습니다.
?"--> I guess you DON'T have to file your federal return;certain portions of scholarships (college, union or organizational scholarships, fellowships and tuition waivers) and other forms of student grants must be reported as taxable income on your tax return. So, you need to calculate the portion of your financial aid to be included in your taxable income by adding up your total grant aid and subtracting out the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for your courses of instruction.
FO REFERENCE;as a taxpayer filin' your return as single; then for 2010, Aslong as your AGI is $9,350 or exceeds $9,350; $5,700(standard deduction)+$3,650( your personal exmption)=$9,350, then you MUST file your federal and state( if applicable; as far as I know, ( states actually do not impose state incoemn taxes to their residents.)If you are subject toa refund, then you MUSt file return for getting your refund.
Filign your federal return is NOT bad idea for your financial aidbut it is not necessarily required for the aid;your financial aid eligibility will depend upon various factors. These include your family’s income and assets the number of people in your family household, and the number of children in your family household who are attending college. (The definition of “family” here will depend upon whether or not you are still a “dependent” of your parents. See the section on “Independent Student Status.”) Even if you aren’t eligible for grants, there are other kinds of aid available, including loan programs.So, I guess you need to contact your school, OK??
">만약 보고를 해야한다면 어디서부터 시작을 해야하는지도 궁금합니다.
>세금보고를 직접해보는것은 이번이 처음이라서 막막하네요."--->I guess you may fiel the easiet form , 1040EZ;as single taxpayer, as long as you meet the criteria, you MAY 1040 ez; if your filing status must be single or married filing jointly;you must be under age 65 and not blind at the end of the tax year;
you must not claim any dependents (other than themselves).
No adjustments to income can be claimed.;the only credit that can be claimed is the Earned Income Tax Credit ,EITC; also the only income to report for the tax year consisted of wages, salaries, tips, taxable scholarship or fellowship grants, unemployment compensation, or Alaska Permanent Fund dividends, and filer's taxable interest was not over $1,500. But if the filer earned tips, including allocated tips, that are not included in box 5 and box 7 of your Form W-2, filer may not be able to use Form 1040EZ; you also did not receive any advanced EIC payments.
Please visit the IRS webiste for more info here;http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040ez.pdf
작성일2011-03-24 20:00