세금 | EITC 혜택과 SSA의 taxable income은 어떻게 산정하는지요
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비즈니스나 부동산 임대를 준 사람, SSA를 받는 사람도
연 소득(AGI)이 5만1,567달러 이하인 경우 EITC 혜택을 받을 수 있는지요?
To get the EITC(EIC), You Must Have Earned Income ; i.e., income from wages, tips and self-employment on Sch C/SE ; includes long-term disability payments paid by the employer until you reach the minimum retirement age. If you have ivestment income such as interest, dividends, and rental income from personal property of more than $3,150, then, you can’t get EITC. Social security benefits do not count as earned income for the earned income credit on their own. If that is the only income you received during the year, you are not eligible for the credit.
SSA의 taxable income은 어떻게 산정하는지도 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다
If Social Security was your only income in 2013, your benefits are probably not taxable. You also may not need to file a federal income tax return. HOWEVER, It depends on the amount of your MAGI, I mean provisional income; provisional income =50% of your Soc sec benefits +your other income,i.e., wages or bonus etc. + tax-exempt interest. Tax-exempt interest includes interest from state and municipal bonds.I assume that you are single filer, then,aslongas the amount of your MAGI(provisional icnoem) Exceeds $25K, then you need to add some portion of your Soc sec benefits to your AGI. Please follow the instruction here to find out your taxable Soc Sec benefit amount on page 29 of form 1040 instruction;;
작성일2014-02-02 20:26
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