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경범 misdemeanor 은 1 년 이하 징역
Panhandling = 거리 구걸
* Petty Theft = Petty Theft that involves stolen goods valued at under $50 may, in some cases, be reduced to an infraction and a criminal record avoided.
* Grand Theft = Charged as either a felony or misdemeanor, Grand Theft occurs when the value of the merchandise stolen is greater than $400. Grand Theft includes automobiles and other large-ticket items. Grand Theft is usually punishable by up to one year in County jail or a maximum sentence of 16 months in state prison.
* Using binoculars or similar tools to look into the
* Squatting (at property of another, one’s house) =1. 쪼그리고 앉다(crouch) 2. (남의 땅,공유지에) 무단 정착, 몸을 감추다(cower)
* Window peeping 창문 슬쩍(들여다)보기
경범 misdemeanor 은 1 년 이하 징역
Panhandling = 거리 구걸
* Petty Theft = Petty Theft that involves stolen goods valued at under $50 may, in some cases, be reduced to an infraction and a criminal record avoided.
* Grand Theft = Charged as either a felony or misdemeanor, Grand Theft occurs when the value of the merchandise stolen is greater than $400. Grand Theft includes automobiles and other large-ticket items. Grand Theft is usually punishable by up to one year in County jail or a maximum sentence of 16 months in state prison.
* Using binoculars or similar tools to look into the
* Squatting (at property of another, one’s house) =1. 쪼그리고 앉다(crouch) 2. (남의 땅,공유지에) 무단 정착, 몸을 감추다(cower)
* Window peeping 창문 슬쩍(들여다)보기
작성일2008-11-10 09:52
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