네트웤 좀 도와주세요.
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네트웍을 하기를 원합니다.
윈도우 xp 두대로 씁니다.
다른 컴의 테이타 전부를 가지고 와야 합니다. (40G)
윈도우 xp 두대로 씁니다.
다른 컴의 테이타 전부를 가지고 와야 합니다. (40G)
작성일2005-12-27 13:15
cross over 케이블을 구매하셔서 양쪽 컴에 연결하시면 됩니다.
방법은 랜케이블을 크로스로 연결하여 사용하는것과 허브란 장비가 있으면 네트웍 공유하여 사용할수 있습니다. 만일 이것 둘다 어려우시면 USB 플래시 카드를 구매하여 쉽게 사용할수 있습니다. 하지만, 40G 좀 크네요,,,,,,,,
It's good to invest in one of those Router/hub. You can buy one at BestBuy, etc..
When you buy one, ask the sales person all you want to know. Eventually you will connect your internet modem there as well. Be sure to set up yourself as Admin at both
When you buy one, ask the sales person all you want to know. Eventually you will connect your internet modem there as well. Be sure to set up yourself as Admin at both
computers. Without setting up password for entries, access will not be given. Set up both computer harddisks' Property> Sharing...> allowing access for you...
Use Network Setup wizard at the Control Panel> Network> to set up WORKGROUP (use the same name
Use Network Setup wizard at the Control Panel> Network> to set up WORKGROUP (use the same name
on both computer) If you set the above well, you should be able to see both computers at both computers' My Network Places...as long as you conneted ethernet cables correctly.... Sometimes Anti-Virus program can be a pain in the neck...