어느 날 병들어 눕게 된 군주는
아들을 불러 말했다.
새 어머니가 아직 젊으이 내가 죽거든
재혼 시키거라 "
나중에 병이 심해진 군주는
유언을 바꿨다
"나를 묻을 때 새 어머니도 함께 묻어라
군주는 곧 숨을 거뒀고 아들은 난감했다
당시 남편이 죽으면 아내를 같이 묻는
순장풍습이 있었지만
아버지가 처음과 완전히 반대되는
유언을 했기 때문이었다
아들은 고민끝에
새해 어머니를 다른 사람과
재혼시키려 행복하게 살게 했다.
남이 그 이유를 묻자 아들은 이렇게 답했다
병이 깊어지면 생각이 흐려지기 마련이에요
아버지가 정신이 맑을 때 하신
유언을 따르는 게 옳다고 생각하오
몇 년 뒤 이웃 나라가 침략해
전쟁이 일어났다
아들은 장수로 전쟁터에
나가게 됐지만
적장이 너무 강해
위기에 빠졌다
그는 청초파라는
곳까지 쫓겼는데
그곳에서 이상한
일을 만났다
추격하던 적군의 말이 갑자기
뭔가에 걸려 나뒹굴고 만 것이다
그는 이틈을 이용해
공격해 승리했고
사로 잡을 수 있었다;
그날 밤 꿈에 한 노인이 나타나
머리를 조아리며 말했다
"나는 새어머니 아버지라오
그대 덕분에 내 딸이 죽지 않고
행복하게 살게 돼
꼭 은혜를 갚고 싶었소.
그래서 아까 청초파에서
풀을 묶어
말들이 걸려
넘어지게 했다오."
군주는 진(晉)나라의
아들은 위과였다
잠에서 깬 위과는 꿈 이야기를 "
주변 사람들에게 들려줬다
이후 중국에는 "결초보은"이라는
말이 생겨났다
이 말은 "풀로 엮어
은혜를 갚는다"라는 뜻이다
한 번 입은 은혜는 죽더라도
잊지 않고 보답한다는 뜻도 있다.
좋은 일을 만나고 싶다면
우선 착하게 살고 볼일이다.
A Mandarin of ancient China
had a concubine whom he cherished a lot.
One day the mandarin being sick in bed
called his son to tell his wish.
"Your new mother is still very young
and so help her to get married when I am gone."
Later on, the mandarin changed his will,
when he became much sicker.
"When you bury me, bury your new mother
also with me."
The mandarin soon passed away
and the son was under a difficulty.
During that era, there was a custom
to bury wife with the deceased husband
The, after a lot of thoughts,
helped his new mother to marry
a man and live happily ever after.
People asked the reasy why,
and the son's answer was:
"When one becomes very sick,
his reasoning is to become muddy.
Carrying out the will which
father left when his mind was Clear
is the right thing to do in my opinion,"
A few years later, a neighboring nation
invaded causing a war
And so the son had to go
to war as a general
The enemy general was so strong
that he fell into a very serious situation
He was chased all the way to
the place called Waving Green Grasses
On that field, he encountered
a very strange phenomenon
Chasing enemy horses fell down
to the ground stumbled over something.
Taking such situation, he attacked
the enemy and won a victory.
He could even capture enemy
general as well.
That night in his dream, an old man appeared
and said bowing down to the ground.
"I am the father of your new mother.
Thanks to you, my daughter was
not buried but lives on happily
And I wanted to return
the gracious favor you rendered,
and so I bound grasses
together earlier
so that horses
stumble over them."
The mandarin was
Wi MooJa of Zin dynasty.
and the son was Wi Goa
Wigoa, when awoke from his dream,
told his dream to people around him
Since then a new four letter words
came into being in China
Once a favor is received, it is
to be returned unhindered even by death.
Should you desire a good life,
better live honestly doing good.