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The Old Rugged Cross -Temple Baptist church 그 낡고 굳센 십자가 (영어 한글 자막 Engl…

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The Old Rugged Cross -Temple Baptist church 그 낡고 굳센 십자가 (영어 한글 자막 English/ Korean subtitles)


This old time favorite hymn was made into the Korean hymn #135 by the title of "Upon the Calvary Mountain 갈보리 산위에).
I have no idea why they changed the title and why the translator did not try to translate the original lyrics literally. Anyway to show Koreans the literal translation of this hymn, I spent some time to come up with my own Korean translation trying to convey the original lyrics as closely as possible.

If anyone want to view the original English lyrics side by side with my translation along with the Korean version of this hymn, pleae click the link below.



작성일2016-12-09 09:48

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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